Hey everyone, welcome to my new sewing post. This post is about sewing supplies, the basic sewing supplies a beginner will need to get started sewing. Sewing is a great craft and while it may seem daunting to start, it…
What is The Best Brand of Sewing Thread to Use?
One of the most important parts of sewing is using the right thread. Sewing thread comes in many different brands and types. And this post is about the best brand of sewing thread. Using the right sewing thread for…
Sewing for Beginners: A Guide to Start Sewing
The world of sewing is very large, because in sewing there is so much you can do. With all the stitches and techniques there is a lot to learn. And this post is about sewing for beginners. This is a…
How to Start Sewing Easy Clothes for a Beginner
One of the most popular reasons to learning how to sew is so you can make your own clothes. When I started sewing I had ideas about pretty dresses and outfits. I also had thoughts about Victorian and 1860s…
The Best 3 Brands of Sewing Machine Needles to Choose
Changing your sewing machine’s needle is the first thing you do when you’re having trouble. That’s one of the first things I learned when I started sewing. And this post is about choosing the best brand of sewing machine needles…
Brother vs Singer Sewing Machines: Which is Best
Brother and Singer sewing machines are probably the most known sewing machine brands out there. Singer machines have been around for over 150 years and Brother machines has been around for over 100 years. So, they’ve both been around for…
A Guide to Choosing The Right Sewing Needle Size
You’re sewing along and everything’s going great. Until you notice that your sewing machine is skipping stitches. You adjust the tension and rethread the sewing machine, but it is still skipping stitches. Well, then it maybe time to change your…
What’s Best Computerized or Mechanical Sewing Machine
Is your old sewing machine worn out and you need a new sewing machine? And you’re trying to decide which type is the right sewing machine for you. There are a ton of different sewing machines out there to choose…
Serger vs Sewing Machine: What You Need To Know
If you’ve been sewing for awhile you’ve probably heard about sergers. And you may be wondering what a serger machine is and what it does. You may also be wondering what the difference is between a serger and a regular…
Perfecting Your Sewing Patterns With Tracing Paper
Tracing paper is a great tool to use for perfecting your sewing patterns. It’s great for letting you create a unique pattern, or altering a existing pattern. In this post I’ll tell you some of the benefits of using tracing…
Ideas on How to Store All of Your Sewing Patterns
There are a ton of sewing patterns, and there are always new patterns coming out. But, what do you do with all those patterns you have, today’s post is about how to store your sewing patterns. Before I talk about…
The Different Types of Sewing Buttons You Can Use
I love buttons, all different types of buttons. I have a jar that is full of all kinds of sewing buttons. You can get buttons in different sizes and different colors. And made in a wide variety of materials and…