Making felt projects is cheap and easy, because you can get different colors of felt sheets at Hobby Lobby pretty cheap.

I don’t use a sewing machine when sewing my little bunny, I prefer to use embroidery thread and hand-stitch my felt projects. Wouldn’t these felt bunnies make a cute favor, or Easter gifts at Easter time. They could also be put in Easter baskets (It’s almost that time of year), bunny baskets, or bunny treat bags, or you might be able to do Easter bunny garland, there are so many great ideas out there. You could also make little bunny bags, there are a lot of different bunny bag designs, and different bunny favors to choose from.
I’m also thinking about doing another free pattern for felt Easter eggs, so be sure to check back at my other blog post. The good thing about this easy sewing project is that there are no small pieces, the bunny template is just one piece, so you don’t have to mess with ten different body pieces.
Tips for working with felt
Felt projects make the perfect hand sewing projects, like plush toys, because felt doesn’t fray. The only con I can think of is you just have to be careful not to stretch the felt, so it will not stretch out of shape. If you don’t want to sew your felt, you can use a hot glue gun and glue your felt. But, I prefer the look of a hand stitched felt project. Felt crafts are also to me one of the cheapest crafts you can do (especially if you use my free printable pattern).
Let’s get started
Here’s what you need to make your Easter bunnies.

- felt, I like pastel Easter colors for my bunnies.
- matching embroidery floss.
- embroidery needle (I like to use a #7 crewel embroidery needle, but that’s just my preference).
- 1/4 inch ribbon, to make ribbon bows for the bunny’s neck.
- poly fill or fiber fill.
- white pom pom (optional).
- hot glue gun.
First off you need to print the easy bunny template.
The free file is here.
Here is step-by-step instructions for my felt bunny pattern.
Step 1: Cut out two pieces of felt bunny shapes.

Step 2: Pin the felt pieces together. Felt doesn’t have a right side or a wrong side, so it doesn’t really matter which sides you pin together.

Step 3: Take two strands of embroidery floss, knot the end and go through one of the felt pieces.

Start stitching at the bottom of the bunny. I like to do the blanket stitch for felt projects, you could do the running stitch or a whip stitch, but to me the blanket stitch looks much neater.

Step 4: Sew around the bunny, to the head and around the top of the ears (or tip of the ears).

And down the other side stopping about a inch and a half from where you started stitching at the bottom of the bunny’s body.

I don’t tie off my thread I just leave it, so after I stuff the bunny then I can close the hole.
Step 5: Stuff your bunny. A great way to stuff the bunny is to use a pencil, the writing end can really help with the ear piece, just make sure that the tip is not to pointy. Finish stuffing the rest of the bunny.

Almost finished
Step 6: Finish stitching the bunny and tie off the thread.

And I like to run the needle under the felt a little ways in the back before I cut the thread.

Step 7: Cut a 13″ length of ribbon, and tie the ribbon in a bow around the bunny’s neck. Hint: you could also use fabric scraps instead of ribbon, just cut a thin piece of fabric.

Step 8: This is optional, but now you can hot glue the pom pom to the back of the cute bunny. To glue the pom pom in the right place, I just place the pom pom on the center of the body and move it down a little bit and then glue the pom pom to the bunny. Now you have a little fluffy bunny tail.

Now you have a cute felt stuffed bunny rabbit.
I don’t put a bunny face on my bunnies, so I just kind of pick which side I want to be front and back.

If you want your bunny to have a face, you would do the face before sewing the bunny together, especially if you want to do bead eyes or an embroidered face.
Thanks for looking at my free sewing pattern. I hope you liked it and I hope to be doing some more free felt craft patterns in the future. Who knows I may even do some more bunny sewing patterns in the future.

Be sure to check out my other blog posts.
- Tips on How to Cut Fabric Accurately for Quilting
- How to Piece a Quilt
- How to Change a Sewing Machine Needle Like a Pro